
Switchback champions individuals, teams, and organizational leadership in engineering environments that offset the challenges of high-stress, high-impact work. Workshops are designed to be interactive and participant-centered. They are customized to meet the needs of individuals and achieve agency-identified outcomes.  Group sessions are no-fault, strengths-based, collaborative and fun!

Some Workshop Suggestions - Or Customize Your Own!

  • Emergenetics: Meeting of the Minds

    Great for Executive Leadership Retreats and Team Building Events!

    Enhance Communication

    Increase Efficiency

    Build more cohesive teams

    Elevate Effectiveness of Meetings and Presentations

    Have Fun!

  • Workforce Resilience: Full- & Half-day

    Examine elements of workplace culture that serve as accelerators and barriers to employee engagement

    Understand the importance of supervisory relationships and ways of increasing retention based on positive performance management

    Engage in activities that illustrate the strengths of effective teams

    Design strategies to offset challenges of day-to-day work

  • Team Building & Collaboration

    Explore strategies for leveraging brilliant minds around us to optimize performance and response

    Game an idea or initiative and explore 5 methods for creating greater chance for future success

    Explore 7 elements necessary for gathering the right people and data to form connections that will decrease polarization and increase collaboration

    Unleash the power of true collaboration


Switchback, in partnership with Heart J Center, provides team building and restorative retreats for the response community (health, medical, firefighter, emergency management) in a truly unique environment. Topics are customized to fit your needs for teams and individuals. Retreats are also designed for individuals from any agency not coming with a team.

  • Healthcare Recovery Retreats

    Switchback and the Heart-J Center’s Healthcare Heroes Retreat provides a two-day, one-night chance to catch your breath and unwind from the COVID response. Click the button below to send us a note if you would like to learn more or if you would like us to reach out to your employer to partner on planning a retreat.

  • Restore Retreats

    Switchback Institute & Heart J Center have created a unique retreat experience for members of the response community.

    These “Restore Retreats” are customized to meet the needs of your team as you regroup and recover from the pandemic, fires, floods, and other recent events that have taken a toll on emergency workers.

    You'll have the chance to help restore Cow Camp's house and barn, while restoring yourself and your team.